Journal of Current Research in Food Science
2020, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A
Field response and identification of bread wheat genotypes to Septoria tritici blotch in the highlands of North Gondar
Author(s): Yohannes Azene, Birhanu Fentaw and Yeshambel Adugna
Abstract: STB is among the fungal disease which threatens wheat production and its reported to be major wheat production threaten factor worldwide causing considerable yield loss every year. It is an economically important foliar disease in the major wheat-growing areas of Ethiopia. This research was conducted during 2019/2020 at Dabat research station under Gondar agricultural research center. The experiment was conducted to advance high yielding and septoria resistant bread wheat varieties suitable for studied environments. The experimental field was designed in simple lattice design with two replications and 100 genotypes used as treatment. The analysis of variance showed a highly significant difference (p≤0.001) for most of the yield and yield contributing traits among the tested genotypes. Out of 100 genotypes, 60 were found to be moderately resistant and forty were in the range of moderately susceptible. Area under progress curve (AUDPC) value was calculated for days to heading, grain filling period, days to maturity, plant height, spike length, spikelets per spike kernels per spike, thousand seed weight, and grain yield. The lowest AUDPC value was recorded from genotypes BW120044 (535.8), followed by genotypes, BW172938, BW120056, and BW120063 (553.1, 566.1, & 596.3) respectively, which are resistance to the disease. Genotype BW172082 showed the highest AUDPC value (1512.3) followed by genotype BW173214, BW120012, and BW120074 (1451.9), these genotypes are more susceptible to the disease. All of the studied yield and yield contributing traits were negatively correlated with AUDPC value except plant hight. Which indicated that the highest values of AUDPC impact on grain yield directly or indirectly. The development of disease resistance variety is considered as the most effective control strategy for Septoria tritici blotch.
Pages: 09-17 | Views: 1605 | Downloads: 689
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How to cite this article:
Yohannes Azene, Birhanu Fentaw, Yeshambel Adugna. Field response and identification of bread wheat genotypes to Septoria tritici blotch in the highlands of North Gondar. J Curr Res Food Sci 2020;1(2):09-17.