Journal of Current Research in Food Science
2021, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A
Nutritional status and academic performance of school aged children (6-12 years) in ikwuano local government area Abia state, Nigeria
Author(s): Oguizu Ada Daisy and Okoro Uzoma Mercy
Abstract: Introduction: Nutrition is a fundamental pillar to human life, health and development. Malnutrition in children results in poor health, illness and poor academic performance.Objective: The study assessed the nutritional status and academic performance of school aged children (6-12years) in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State. Methods: Three hundred and twenty respondents were selected using simple random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used to gather information on socio economic characteristics, dietary practices and academic performance of the children. Anthropometric indices (weight for age, height for age, and BMI for age) and dietary intakes of the infants were also assessed. World Health Organization (WHO), child growth standard chart was used to classify the anthropometric indices.Results: Most of the respondents were between the ages of 9- 10 years (47.8 %) and 11-12 years (25.9 %). The pupils were mostly in primary 4 (40.9 %) and primary 5 (25.9 %). Most of the parents involved in the study were less educated as only a few (respondents’ fathers 18.7 % and respondents’ mothers 15.6 %) had reviewed formal education in tertiary institutions. The academic performance showed that 31.9% of the respondents had good scores, 26.2%had average academic performance, and 19.5% had low academic performance while only 15.6% were graded excellent. Females had better (above average) academic performance than males (54.7% and 48.2% respectively). The study reveals 28.1% of the respondents were stunted, 12.8% were wasted, 13.8% were underweight for Weight- for- height, 15.6% were underweight for BMI- for- age and 12.5% were underweight for MUAC- for- age. Females were more stunted than males. The percentage of overweight was higher in females than in males. A significant relationship exist between the children’s BMI for age and academic performance grade (x2=19.47; P=0.03) and MUAC for age (x2=17.12; P=0.04). Conclusion: Excellent academic performance can be achieved if emphasis is laid on improving the nutritional status of children.
Pages: 19-26 | Views: 1967 | Downloads: 867
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How to cite this article:
Oguizu Ada Daisy, Okoro Uzoma Mercy. Nutritional status and academic performance of school aged children (6-12 years) in ikwuano local government area Abia state, Nigeria. J Curr Res Food Sci 2021;2(1):19-26.