Journal of Current Research in Food Science
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P-ISSN: 2709-9377, E-ISSN: 2709-9385

Journal of Current Research in Food Science

2022, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A
Growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings fed water lily leaf meal as partial replacement for soybean meal

Author(s): Ogaga A Aghoghovwia and Obomunu Bestman

Abstract: This study assessed the growth attainment nutrient utilization potential of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings nurtured with levels of Water lily meal (WLM) in partial replacement with Soybean meal (SBM). A total of 160 C. gariepinus of mean weight 1.77±0.04 and mean length of 5.43 cm were randomly placed in 16 transparent rectangular 25 lites plastic aquaria -10 each and feed diet containing about 40% CP whilst each of the four diets were substituted with water lily at varying treatment levels A (0%) the control, B (10%), C (20%) D (30%)). Each of the treatment had four replicates. The fish were fed 5% body weight for 49 days. The various diet were accepted by the fish but there was a decrease in growth performance as the level of WLM was increased. Meanwhile, all water characteristics measured proved to supportive of fish rearing in the tropics except pH (the water quality parameters were in ranges DO (6.18±0.03 - 6.37±0.03 mg/l) pH (6.19±0.051 - 6.30±0.051) and Temperature (26.5±0.03 -27.5±0.30 0C). The highest and lowest mean weight gain of the 1.79±0.04g and 1.66±0.04g were obtained in treatments A (10%) and C (20%) respectively. There was no significant different between fish feed diet A and B in terms of weight gained. The protein efficiency ratio (PER) recorded for diet A (control) 0.72±0.01 had no significant difference (P> 0.05) with all diets containing WLM. In terms of percentage survival. Diet B attained the highest (90±4.46%), followed by A (67±4.46) C (55.00±4.46%) and D (52.54±4.46%) respectively. The performance of Clarias gariepenus proved that the fingerlings fed diet B (10%) had the optimum level of WLM inclusion level in this study and it is therefore recommended to farmers. And should be adopted, also, the threat of the evasive nature of water lily would be put in check in the process.

Pages: 17-20 | Views: 1321 | Downloads: 564

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Journal of Current Research in Food Science
How to cite this article:
Ogaga A Aghoghovwia, Obomunu Bestman. Growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings fed water lily leaf meal as partial replacement for soybean meal. J Curr Res Food Sci 2022;3(1):17-20.

Journal of Current Research in Food Science

Journal of Current Research in Food Science

Journal of Current Research in Food Science
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