Journal of Current Research in Food Science
2023, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A
Microbiological properties of nutribar incorporated with legumes
Author(s): Swati Shukla, Sandeep GM Prasad, John David and Manisha Prasad
Abstract: The goal of the current study was to developed nutribars that contained varied amounts of legumes. And to assess the Microbiological analysis of nutribar. According to the study, the average total plate count was highest in T0, T4 and T9 with value of 2.28 X 102 and lowest in T8 with value of 2.25 X 102. The average yeast and mould count was highest in T12 with value of 2.00 X 102 and lowest in T3 with value of 1.90 X 102. The average sacchrolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic bacteria count in all nutribar samples was NIL. The mean value of control (T0) is 2.28. The above table also showing that treatment combination (T0) & (T8) contains highest and lowest total plate count (102 cfu/ml) than the other treatments respectively. The mean value of control (T0) is 1.91. The treatment combination (T12) & (T0) contains highest and lowest total yeast and mould count (102 cfu/ml) than the other treatments respectively. Because of treatments and replication, the ANOVA table up top shows that the F. Cal. Value is greater than the F. Tab. value at a 5% level of significance on each d.f. Additionally, the aforementioned table shows a significant difference (p≤0.05) between various therapies.
Pages: 35-39 | Views: 1041 | Downloads: 505
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How to cite this article:
Swati Shukla, Sandeep GM Prasad, John David, Manisha Prasad. Microbiological properties of nutribar incorporated with legumes. J Curr Res Food Sci 2023;4(1):35-39.