Journal of Current Research in Food Science
2022, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part B
Title and Authors Name |
Food safety issues of street foods and dietary practices by school going adolescents Ruchi Verma and Sunita Mishra J. Curr. Res. Food Sci., 2022; 3(2): 80-93 |
Screening of different germplasm of uredbean against POD borer complex Pooja Chandekar, Vikas Singh and BP Katlam J. Curr. Res. Food Sci., 2022; 3(2): 94-97 |
Evaluation of the effects of thermal processing treatments on the nutrient and anti-nutrient composition of Afzelia africana (Akparata) flour Odo PC, Odo FO and Okechukwu CO J. Curr. Res. Food Sci., 2022; 3(2): 98-103 |
Health and immunity boosting sorghum properties and its applications in food industry: A review Shinde EM, Gajmal DB and Giri SA J. Curr. Res. Food Sci., 2022; 3(2): 104-108 |
Studies on physico-chemical properties of diabetic shrikhand by using Jamun (Syzygium Cumini L.) Pulp PB Chavan, PV Padghan and PS Andharepatil J. Curr. Res. Food Sci., 2022; 3(2): 109-112 |
Fruits: A source of natural antioxidants (Polyphenols) Dr. Latesh J. Curr. Res. Food Sci., 2022; 3(2): 113-116 |
Investigation of physico-chemical properties of edible oils during frying with special reference to in vitro lipid peroxidation as TBARS Amartya Kumar Gupta and Nandita Das J. Curr. Res. Food Sci., 2022; 3(2): 117-119 |
Dietary fiber and metabolic syndrome: A complex relationship Dr. Pragya Verma J. Curr. Res. Food Sci., 2022; 3(2): 120-124 |